Saturday, February 13, 2016

A Birdy Site Update!

Greetings kind Birdy Site readers!

I know I haven't written here in a while. I'm sorry, I know you've all just been sitting around waiting for me to put up some new material. Unfortunately, I haven't had a whole lot of time for birding lately, but I'll bring you up to date on what I have done since January 1, 2016.

On my birthday (January 7), I got out to Flushing Meadows Corona Park--the site of the Queens World's Fair--to track down some rarities. I managed to turn up the pre-reported Cackling Geese but missed the two rare sparrows (Clay-colored and Lark) that had been sighted in previous days. I also found a lone Snow Goose among a flock of approximately 800 Canada Geese.
Hey, look at this!

Cackling Geese
Remember that big storm the Northeast got in January? I took advantage of the time off to set up a makeshift bird blind in my yard and shoot the birds at my feeders. It took quite a while to perfect the design, but the result was worth it:
I literally took this from behind a PVC frame wrapped in garbage bags.
I also finally got halfway decent shots of Wood Ducks! Hooray! The birds were at my local patch/birding spot I know very well/birding spot I aggressively defend, Clark Gardens. 
Well, thanks for checking in. If you haven't already, please do submit some data to this weekend's Great Backyard Bird Count. See you in the field!